Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Safe To Store Propane Indoors

Ricominciare dal mito.

stories that many no longer important. On the contrary.

When I decided to start Visio in the form of cultural association, I have chosen to elect its "image" and his "symbol" the myth of cultural unity as an essential form of citation Dumézil (the one found in homepage).

Maybe you should explain why. In view of the undersigned, both cultural and spiritual vision, and not only theoretical but also practical - where to practice means to live in daily values, as dynamic and constantly evolving, they are - comes through and create their own a reassessment of the myth that it is one of the founding pins classical culture (where, of course, means both for classical as Eastern and Western).

Paul Zanker, in his monograph "Living myths" published Bollati by Basic Books, treating the use of myth in Roman sarcophagi, specifies the importance of that in everyday life in imperial Rome: the myth is first model, but also - on the basis of the analysis of Griffin - help in reading about themselves and the world.

do not have to go very far to find antecedents and confirmations:

James Hillman writes in Soul:

"Basing conscience on the soul is in tune with the neo-Platonic psychology, where what we call ego-consciousness is the consciousness of the Platonic cave, a consciousness buried in the outlook less capable of self-awareness ..... consciousness ego does not deserve the slightest name of conscience. The awareness that comes from the soul derives from the images and could be described as imaginative. The images are "internal", "archaic," "primitive", as their ultimate source is in the archetypes, and we will show in the most characteristic in the formulation of the myth. "

E Gaspare Mura comments:

"It is therefore necessary first of all from the question of" mythology. " The mythology, especially Greek and Roman plays a fundamental role in the epistemological "science of the soul" di Hillman.

E qui va  fatta una  precisazione. Hillman cita sovente due opere classiche dedicate alla mitologia: quella di Freidrich Creuzer, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, citata anche da Jung, e soprattutto quella di Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher, Ausführliches Lexicon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie[31], che si caratterizza per essere una vera enciclopedia  monumentale, alla quale hanno dato il loro contributo i più celebri specialisti del mondo classico, raccogliendo scrupolosamente le fonti letterarie e iconografiche dei miti e delle credenze antiche e interpretandole nel contesto di una  ricca ricostruzione del loro ambiente culturale, storico e letterario  Hillman, soprattutto nel Saggio su Pan, fa sovente riferimento a quest’opera di Roscher; ma interpreta il Lessico come  un’indagine sulle “profondità” dell’anima, che solo i miti possono rivelare, trasformando così i miti studiati dalla filologia classica in archetipi della psiche: "Il valore della filologia,  egli scrive, non va ... giudicato soltanto per il contributo che dà all'intelletto ma anche per il contributo che dà all'immaginazione. Questo dovrebbe essere tenuto in mente quando si legge Roscher ... Spesso i moderni filologi classici vedono le esorbitanti fantasie dei loro predecessori come deficienze intellettuali. E non vedono che il contrario sta accadendo a loro stessi: poverty of imagination, the ingenuity of psychological, emotional dryness which accompanies the great intellectual enterprises reveal their imaginary shortcomings no less serious "

Pettazzoni had to write because the myth is true internal and external while Malinowski noted:

"The myth is primarily a cultural force that regenerates itself constantly, and every historical change creates its mythology, however, relates only indirectly to the historical fact, because the myth is a product of constant sociological status that needs earlier. [...] In the primitive culture the legend performs a vital function: it is the expression, development, codification of a belief, defends and reinforces the morality ensures the effectiveness of ritual and contains practical driving man. Myth is therefore a vital component of human civilization is not a trivial story, but an active force operates, it is not a rational explanation or an artistic image, but a pragmatic document of primitive faith, of moral wisdom. "

The myth may be the only engine possible to pursue a new vision. Its rediscovery, his deep investigation, its application to our lives and our cultura, così come alla nostra socialità, è l'unica via praticabile per proporre un'alternativa al sistema attuale.


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