Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Free Cheerios Cereal Bowl

Io e i miei gatti

"A cat can not solve a bit' all purring. " (Female McRohan)

"Rarely an animal, including man, manages to be faithful to himself as a cat." (Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson)

"What mysterious recipe for knowing how to know the cats dose so perfect sweetness and cruelty, timidity and aggressiveness, docility and wild spirit? "(Mary S. Emilson)

" The cat cat may be, but slip into the fantasy league as if it were through the night, as if it were part of the witches, gods and devils, as if he already knows what we will never know. "(Frédéric Vitoux)

"Samael and Circe always come when they must. I jump up and turn on the cast. It is this: if I had to do with them as if I were to adopt a cat in my life every time I meet a bitch, then I smile, because before I have a bright and shining future by cat lady. "(Myself) I


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