Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do Dogs Have Tourettes

Dialogues night with an old friend.

How is that we do not rope to a night-time conversation, old bastard ?

Well, months. Maybe years.

remember the first? We spoke of the Italic peoples.

Yes, yes. I was in September 2005. White Island memories? Virtvs Hesperia, Earth Esperide.

True, true. I think the last time we spoke was visually at night I know, three years ago. However, light incense, open your head and ask your question.

I am ... confused. I mean, why these choices and why it does not feel fake.
Hahaha. I knew it. You have taken the path of Kali and now under siege on interrogate you have questions that you place in the past. History is cyclical Alessi. Only that at every turn of the wheel, you become more conscious.

Ah well, I do not think.

mean that you become more aware. The other hardly realize that they are able, by a spark, to light a fire they carry inside. But you realize it, what it means to kindle that fire? Oh yes you do you realize, that you, the choice of light that fire, the pay every day. The only pay when you're at home, unaware of the pay if it considers the other, you pay when you do not feel the slightest attraction to others, you pay when you have to take responsibility for your every single choice. So why ask me if others do not make the same choice?

Why do I perceive it as absurd, paradoxical. I know it's a different choice and must be respected. So why get up on the trampoline, looking down, saying "that's cool, I want to throw" and then not do it?

Because no matter what attracts us. Matter how much we are willing to put in play. This applies to the Spirit Alessi, but also applies to everything else. I mean, look around. Every time we talked, we talked on two levels: that of your inner self, but also those around you, except you. Live in a culture of convenience, not you noticed? People do not want to choose, Alessandro. People want to say "I choose." Wants to have this illusion, the illusion is convenient because it is rewarding but does not require effort. We smooth out the thoughts but does not require sacrifice. There is an illusion of choice, then instead you feel like, hiding behind a finger: it is the fault of society, capitalism, conspiracy, education, education. In short, you choose, there is deluded to choose, so you can also download the responsibility to something else. But still, I got to the point, the simple and obvious truth is that you feel like a misfit. Obviously. For you your choices you made and you're paying, whereas you could just stand at home in panciolle like everyone else. Who the fuck did you do leave home, enlist, goodbye, graduate, change a city, find thousands of jobs, 3443784238 removals, live alone. You too, my friend, according to what people say, you're also was a bit 'asshole.

Well, you could do some 'sti as caterpillars of dick in 35 years from your stay, or in other words, wait until you gave your home, in the meantime you could have a good machine, get a shit degree na fucking economy, look for a recommendation and put four fucking numbers in a row and make a decent wage, walk around in shirt and sweater, the scooter, what the fuck I know, in short, you could still choose a better life cock. Instead Watched: you're a little 'shit, you live in the cottage of seven dwarfs, you and your cats, you've smoked with incense house full of pictures and books of divinity strange naked dancing on corpses, you spend your time to cogitate on the meaning of life shit, to meditate, to swear on nightmares created by your own choices.

Ma .. but you're thinking? I'm taking the piss. But have you looked in the mirror? Yes? And did you see that fucking face you and you have the other facet is that? Those 35 years have to clean the face of good guy. Ideally have a face with the unshaven and rebuilt to look more manly. You slut bitch Your face marked by the world. He was right that other stoned when I said "well when you look at the woman who looks like that you're ugly." Others have tattoos and they seem ermafrocitici good guys. You will seem even more crazy tattooed and psychologically. The others surround themselves with any person, you first Sgarro uprooting a report. Massimo third Sgarro if you feel magnanimous. What the fuck you want?

The others take their lives with so much light that not even realize that their lives are based on AUTOMATISMI Alessandro. From the choice of being born to brush their teeth career family: automatic. They think they choose, but in their hearts they know that they do not. But they're so good, because they lighten. They do not want the responsibility of the error. They do not want the weight of command. They do not want the anxiety of mistakes. They do not want to worry about failure. They just want the laurel of victory, the fake, that is when you win them, but to others if you lose.

But you, a little 'shit, you were born with the fucking question mark on the head. Archimedes had the light bulb, you the question. You're there, to break my balls since you were born, to question every thing. Why? Why? Why? Who am I? Who are the others? Why? The others do not ask why. And if their request, son ben disposti ad accettare la spiegazione piĆ¹ semplice, riduttiva, falsa, illusoria.

Potevi andartene a Sharm, invece ti sei fatto in treno da Il Cairo a Luxor.
Potevi comprarti la moto, invece hai aperto una libreria.
Potevi laurearti in economia, invece hai scelto musica. Musica, cristo iddio, Alessa, MUSICA. 
Potevi startene a casa, invece ti sei arruolato.
Potevi accontentarti di una compagna mediocre, invece volevi il meglio e ora sei solo.
Potevi stare a casa senza l'affitto, invece ti sei lanciato nel vuoto di 3409 traslochi, da solo.
Potevi portare il maglioncino figo comprato da mamma, Instead combat tours with blacks Virginia Tactical.
You could lower the skull, you could say "I accept", you could Submit.

But you do not. You wanted to be a dick that you felt in the interior of your fucking shit.

For this, you pay now.

But in all this shit situation, remember a simple concept. In this, Blake saw us along. The others may have a comfortable life, without responsibility, light, immature fun. But when I look in your eyes, they know instinctively that you - unlike them - you chose: and that is why half of them afraid, and the other half is attracted to you. But do not expect someone to put them on your side.


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