Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Worst Diaper Punishment


Set your mind on your chest and you'll be told what
trained from an early age
for your dharma,
for in our rta,
the will to receive universal
the human horror of the Holocaust, samsara,
the horror of this world rebellion that rises to degenerate
the horror of the actions that people commit against the dharma
then, in front of your eyes, if they are unfolded
you for a moment, for your will or our own,
see the intrinsic beauty of the Woman, Women Our
as the embodiment of our rage as our compassion, one who embodies
nature, soul, strength and harmony destructive
in that single moment, although your nature is still human,
if fixed on the mind of those who opposed, wanting the peace,
remains in a perpetual state of war, then

in that single moment of one thousandth
moment of
outside the time
outside space
you will feel at peace with your soul and with the cosmos.
and ogni cosa
    te stesso
    il tuo ego
    l'orrore cui sei abituato
    la solitudine
    il dolore
    ed ogni altra cosa
at a single point of infinite light beyond all things.

(Mahaviratantra, II)

Western Themed Quotes

Carnival 2011

La Pro Loco di Sant'Albano in collaborazione con ACLI, ARS, Bocciofila e Oratorio presenta:

Carnevale 2011 !!!

  • SABATO 05 MARZO dalle ore 15 in P.zza Caduti in Guerra The Oratory of Sant 'Albano organizing the costume party with the participation of Magician Zapotek ........ buffet free for all to follow ....

  • Monday 07 March at 20 at the Bowling Competition at Bowling Memorial Garelli Antoinette " reserved for women - event organized by ARS and Bowling

  • pm Tuesday 08 March 14:30 in Central Square War Memorial in the Pro Loco organizes "Carnival in Piazza ".... follow polenta and stew prepared by the Alpine Group of St. Albans. On the occasion of International Women's Day the local tourist office will offer all the women present una Mimosa.

  • MARTEDì 08 MARZO alle ore 20 presso la Boccifila "Cena della Donna" a cura del Circolo ACLI - ARS. Per info e prenotazioni : 3920224126

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do Dogs Have Tourettes

Dialogues night with an old friend.

How is that we do not rope to a night-time conversation, old bastard ?

Well, months. Maybe years.

remember the first? We spoke of the Italic peoples.

Yes, yes. I was in September 2005. White Island memories? Virtvs Hesperia, Earth Esperide.

True, true. I think the last time we spoke was visually at night I know, three years ago. However, light incense, open your head and ask your question.

I am ... confused. I mean, why these choices and why it does not feel fake.
Hahaha. I knew it. You have taken the path of Kali and now under siege on interrogate you have questions that you place in the past. History is cyclical Alessi. Only that at every turn of the wheel, you become more conscious.

Ah well, I do not think.

mean that you become more aware. The other hardly realize that they are able, by a spark, to light a fire they carry inside. But you realize it, what it means to kindle that fire? Oh yes you do you realize, that you, the choice of light that fire, the pay every day. The only pay when you're at home, unaware of the pay if it considers the other, you pay when you do not feel the slightest attraction to others, you pay when you have to take responsibility for your every single choice. So why ask me if others do not make the same choice?

Why do I perceive it as absurd, paradoxical. I know it's a different choice and must be respected. So why get up on the trampoline, looking down, saying "that's cool, I want to throw" and then not do it?

Because no matter what attracts us. Matter how much we are willing to put in play. This applies to the Spirit Alessi, but also applies to everything else. I mean, look around. Every time we talked, we talked on two levels: that of your inner self, but also those around you, except you. Live in a culture of convenience, not you noticed? People do not want to choose, Alessandro. People want to say "I choose." Wants to have this illusion, the illusion is convenient because it is rewarding but does not require effort. We smooth out the thoughts but does not require sacrifice. There is an illusion of choice, then instead you feel like, hiding behind a finger: it is the fault of society, capitalism, conspiracy, education, education. In short, you choose, there is deluded to choose, so you can also download the responsibility to something else. But still, I got to the point, the simple and obvious truth is that you feel like a misfit. Obviously. For you your choices you made and you're paying, whereas you could just stand at home in panciolle like everyone else. Who the fuck did you do leave home, enlist, goodbye, graduate, change a city, find thousands of jobs, 3443784238 removals, live alone. You too, my friend, according to what people say, you're also was a bit 'asshole.

Well, you could do some 'sti as caterpillars of dick in 35 years from your stay, or in other words, wait until you gave your home, in the meantime you could have a good machine, get a shit degree na fucking economy, look for a recommendation and put four fucking numbers in a row and make a decent wage, walk around in shirt and sweater, the scooter, what the fuck I know, in short, you could still choose a better life cock. Instead Watched: you're a little 'shit, you live in the cottage of seven dwarfs, you and your cats, you've smoked with incense house full of pictures and books of divinity strange naked dancing on corpses, you spend your time to cogitate on the meaning of life shit, to meditate, to swear on nightmares created by your own choices.

Ma .. but you're thinking? I'm taking the piss. But have you looked in the mirror? Yes? And did you see that fucking face you and you have the other facet is that? Those 35 years have to clean the face of good guy. Ideally have a face with the unshaven and rebuilt to look more manly. You slut bitch Your face marked by the world. He was right that other stoned when I said "well when you look at the woman who looks like that you're ugly." Others have tattoos and they seem ermafrocitici good guys. You will seem even more crazy tattooed and psychologically. The others surround themselves with any person, you first Sgarro uprooting a report. Massimo third Sgarro if you feel magnanimous. What the fuck you want?

The others take their lives with so much light that not even realize that their lives are based on AUTOMATISMI Alessandro. From the choice of being born to brush their teeth career family: automatic. They think they choose, but in their hearts they know that they do not. But they're so good, because they lighten. They do not want the responsibility of the error. They do not want the weight of command. They do not want the anxiety of mistakes. They do not want to worry about failure. They just want the laurel of victory, the fake, that is when you win them, but to others if you lose.

But you, a little 'shit, you were born with the fucking question mark on the head. Archimedes had the light bulb, you the question. You're there, to break my balls since you were born, to question every thing. Why? Why? Why? Who am I? Who are the others? Why? The others do not ask why. And if their request, son ben disposti ad accettare la spiegazione più semplice, riduttiva, falsa, illusoria.

Potevi andartene a Sharm, invece ti sei fatto in treno da Il Cairo a Luxor.
Potevi comprarti la moto, invece hai aperto una libreria.
Potevi laurearti in economia, invece hai scelto musica. Musica, cristo iddio, Alessa, MUSICA. 
Potevi startene a casa, invece ti sei arruolato.
Potevi accontentarti di una compagna mediocre, invece volevi il meglio e ora sei solo.
Potevi stare a casa senza l'affitto, invece ti sei lanciato nel vuoto di 3409 traslochi, da solo.
Potevi portare il maglioncino figo comprato da mamma, Instead combat tours with blacks Virginia Tactical.
You could lower the skull, you could say "I accept", you could Submit.

But you do not. You wanted to be a dick that you felt in the interior of your fucking shit.

For this, you pay now.

But in all this shit situation, remember a simple concept. In this, Blake saw us along. The others may have a comfortable life, without responsibility, light, immature fun. But when I look in your eyes, they know instinctively that you - unlike them - you chose: and that is why half of them afraid, and the other half is attracted to you. But do not expect someone to put them on your side.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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front of my grave: I wonder if someone will save me. Question

front of his grave, wondering if it will be saved.

Welcome to the side of Guerrero, where there's only me.

But then, who is this savior? It is not my savior: the sheep are saved, not the Wolves.
Here they are, then, the Wolves in the world of sheep and goats. In the world to be sheep, to be weak, be mean, be strong in the group instead of just worth, is the law, be Lupi means to be dangerous, outsider extremes.

Before we ran to the steppes and everything was intended to prove that we were wolves.

Now, in the world of sheep, we hide in the few remaining forests. Rarely howl, not to be identified because the wolves are killed when found. Are killed using the infinite number of sheep isolated, investigated, eaten by sheep that occasion bring out peaceful rusty blades that bite into the meat under the guise of sheep rights.

Welcome to the side of the wolves, where we stayed in a few. We are those screaming their independence of thought. We are those who do not bend at the thought of one sheep. We are those who say things in the face. We are those who do not pull back in front of the battle already lost. We are those who remain where they are, after all. We are those who shun the challenge and seek comfort. We are those who prefer to die trying than give up.

Welcome to the side of the wolves, where we were alone. We are the ones who make the decisions and if it is their responsibility, while the sheep vote and then speak as if they were heroes. Welcome to the side of the wolves are the ones that everyone wants to be, but few have the courage to become.

Welcome from the wolves, where we are in danger of extinction. We blame all those who complain about all that everyone accused of arrogance, anger, lust, but the truth is that everyone wants to be us, or rather what we would like to be envied, but they will not accept the sacrifice that we assume on us to be who we are.

Welcome from the Wolves, where to stay there beside you or Wolves or is it better flee. We are the ones that everyone wants but no one has the courage to support and cheer.

Welcome from the Wolves, where we are alone, far from disappearing, and blasphemous.


"A concept such as blasphemy makes sense only and only within a Dogma . And so here's the Man.

really this fragile, yet divine creature has free will, eternally the balance between good and evil, between God and Devil? No, Your Eminence. Nothing so grand, nothing so dramatic.

Man is nothing more than a miserable, grotesque, obscene regurgitation workshop chaos.

Some of us, now few and insignificant, reject this:
Man burns them at the stake.

L 'illusion Man? Dreaming their gods. The condemnation
Man? Become own demons. The
past Man? Destruction. The
this man? degeneration. The future
Man? Extinction. "

(The Trilogy of Magdeburg)

" contrary there is no progress.
Attraction and repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to human existence. These flows
against what the religious man called Good and Evil. Good is the liability that obeys with good reason. Evil is the activity that comes from energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell. "

(W. Blake)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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address spiritual and personal equation

" who picked us was our ideal. Since all we had and we have an ideal that, while I understand in itself not to be confused with the ideal of home [...]. And our ideal is a matter of love: love for adventure, so far beyond any other love, that of the country, one's family. The soul is full of dell'ardito an inexpressible desire, the desire of the new, the greatest emotions. We were dreamers before the war [...]. And we wanted to relive it the clash of arms in our dream. We needed air of freedom and space to run at full speed toward our destiny. We wanted the real, the classic war made no patience, but of audacity, the war in which they went to his death as love, war poets who can sing and they do the heroes of legend. And we have become death knights. "

(Father Judge).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Days pass, weeks pass, the seasons pass, spend their lives .
A spring day in February that, nevertheless, still reveals the sua intima natura notturna ed invernale.

E tra il gelo e la nebbia, tra l'umidità e la tenebra, ancora squarcia la notte l'urlo di Fauno .

Attendo paziente, guardo verso il Lupercale , aspetto visioni di lupi che feroci divorano mandrie,

aspetto che vivano di ratto sulle messi e sulle offerte degli altri,

affinché prosperi il nuovo ciclo.

I Lupercalia hanno portato la pioggia, dopo settimane di sole primaverile. Torna il Caos che tutto purifica.

Guardo avanti, guardo a chi va, a chi viene, a chi torna. Osservo chi entra ora nella mia vita,

lascio alle mie spalle chi se is gone, I smile as luperci who remains with me.

Valete optime for Lupercalia.

ready for the arrival of Mars.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Red And Swollen Big Toe

Let me tell you a story to chill the bones About a thing
That I saw
One night wandering in the everglades I'd
one drink but no more

I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight
Gazing up at the stars
Not aware of a presence so near to me
Watching my every move

Feeling scared and I fell to my knees
As something rushed me from the trees
Took me to an unholy place
And that is where I fell from grace

Then they summoned me over to join in with them
To the dance of the dead
Into the circle of fire I followed them
Into the middle I was led

As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear
But still I wanted to go
And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me
As I walked onto the coals

And I felt I was in a trance
And my spirit was lifted from me
And if only someone had the chance
To witness what happened to me

And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them
All had death in their eyes
Lifeless figures they were undead all of them
They had ascended from hell

As I danced with the dead
My free spirit was laughing and howling down at me
Below my undead body
Just danced the circle of dead

Until the time came to reunite us both
My spirit came back down to me
I didn't know if I was alive or dead
As the others all joined in with me

By luck then a skirmish started
And took the attention away from me
When they took their gaze from me
Was the moment that I fled

I ran like hell faster than the wind
But behind I did not glance
One thing that I did not dare
Was to look just straight ahead

When you know that your time has come around
You know you'll be prepared for it
Say your last goodbyes to everyone
Drink and say a prayer for it

When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead
When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead

To this day I guess I'll never know
Just why they let me go
But I'll never go dancing no more
'Til I dance with the dead

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Adoration of Devastation - III (Kali Puja)

Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem um Houm Dakshin Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem  Hreem Hum Hum Swaha

Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem um Houm Dakshin Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem  Hreem Hum Hum Swaha

Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem um Houm Dakshin Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem  Hreem Hum Hum Swaha

Salute a Te, Signora della Potenza, devastatrice di démoni, Namah.

Onore a Te, mia Signora eterna del Tempo che ogni cosa riassorbe, Namah.

Tu che sei Regina e Principessa, Compagna ed Amante,

Desiderio, Ardore, Potenza e Forza, Coraggio e Follia,

Onore a Te, Eterna Signora dalla cinerea pelle.

Tu che animi la danza di Siva, tu che esplichi la sua potenza e che in lui inveri la Forza dei Mondi,

Onore a Te, mia amata, mia compagna, mia signora e regina.

Tu che hai danzato sul mio cadavere, tu che ebbra di desiderio hai saltato sinuosa sul mio corpo,

tu che hai squarciato il mio petto ed avvelenato il mio cuore,

tu che ti sei cibata della mia anima e che l'hai ricreata sotto la luce delle stelle, più nera e ferrea,

tu che sei la morte cercata sul campo di battaglia, tu che sei vita cercata nelle alcove più sacre.

Io sono il tuo Indra, tu che sei mia Indrani e potenza.

Io sono il tuo Krsna, tu che sei Sri, prosperità e regalità.

Io sono il tuo Arjuna, You who are my Draupadi.

You, my princess, my love, my soul and power,

you who have ripped my spirit to rise again armed and ready for war,

you who have pierced my soul to become my armor,

you who have ravaged my mind with nightmares, so that became my weapon.

you, my queen, you my lady, you, my friend, you, my young mistress.

you may dwell in my mind, you can find strength and refuge for my soul,

you can arm themselves in my spirit: thou art my power, my fury, my desire, my Death, la mia Vita, anima mia, mia armature mia spada, singing and mio mia parola sacra.

Namah, Kali, signora del time.

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Kreem Kreem Kreem

HREEM HREEM a Houma Kreem Kreem Kreem Dakshin Kalika HREEM HREEM accelorometer Swaha
Kreem Kreem Kreem

HREEM HREEM a Houma Kreem Kreem Kreem Dakshin Kalika HREEM HREEM accelorometer Swaha

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Adoration of Devastation - II (Chinnamasta Puja)

Shree HREEM Kleem Aim Vajra Veirochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha

Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Veirochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha

Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Veirochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha
Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Veirochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha

I dressed in skulls my throat and I set you in the Wasteland of Desire.

I enjoyed under your feet the Devastation of Eros.

You showed me Rati and Kama, desire, sex, and you taught me to wake up and putting them under my feet.

fed me with your blood, you let Daikini Varnini and I were on fire with love for you.

You left that I knew Rajas and Tamas, so did my devastation.

You made me boil in the death wish, you showed me the skulls, the joy of Brahman.

Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Veirochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha

Her worship is particulary appropriate for Those in the military. An effective warrior must overcome lust and the desire to indulge in sexual play before committing himself to battle. In battle, he must cultivate an attitude to self-surrender so that he can live his life freely for the benefit of others. Both of these aspects are found in Chinnamasta: her control of lust, and her perfection of self surrender, fearlessness of death, and self sacrifice. The same commentator said that only those of heroic nature worship Chinnamasta. 
(Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: the ten Mahavidyas, by D. Kinsley, MacMaster University, Canada)

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Adoration of the Wasteland - I

Puja, l'adorazione tradizionale induista.

The puja is a ritual common core of all religions in India and South-East Asia, based on the formal worship of a deity through a standardized process that usually involves the invocation of divinity, the offer, the ritual worship.

To this base standard, the tantric cults have added content from the apparent initiation of the variants and Gnostic.

The tantric puja is usually based sull'invocazione of divinity, Siva and Parvati in one of its forms, the offer, the practice of dhyana, or meditation focusing on the shape of the deity, the mantra (japa) revealing ' essence of divinity, the identification with the deity itself.

Il puja tantrico si evolve in alcuni casi (adorazione di Kali, adorazione di Chinnamasta, di Bhairavi, di Annapoorna) nel cosiddetto Virasadhana, la "pratica dell'eroe", così definita per il suo essere proibita a coloro che non hanno natura eroica.

Il Virasadhana si basa sull'adorazione della divinità incarnata in una daikini o yogini o partner, quindi sul consumo delle sostanze proibite, ivi incluso il sesso, mantenendo la mente fissata e sublimata sull'adorazione ed identificazione con le due divinità.

Il Virasadhana è vietato a coloro che hanno la natura del pasu, dell'uomo animale: essi ne verrebbero psichicamente disintegrati e trascinati in un "maelstrom" di materialità and then chained permanently to tamas (guna of darkness, the raw material).

Who should be worshiped? Women are worshiped.
Who is the worshiper? Man is the worshiper.
Who directed the invocation to the gods? Their love for each other.
What is the flower offered? The scratches caused by fingernails.
What are the incense and the offering? The embrace and caress.
What is the mantra? The torrent of words of the beloved.
What is acting? The pleasure of the lips.
What is the sacrificial pit? The matrix.
Qual è il legno del cucchiaio sacrificale? Il linga.
Qual è il fuoco? Il germoglio della matrice.
Qual è il burro chiarificato? Il bija.
Che cos'è, o Signore degli dèi, il samadhi?
Siva risponde: suono, contatto, forma, sapore, odore. Il samadhi è ciò che fluisce da queste sensazioni in maniera quintuplice nel momento in cui viene emesso il fiotto della felicità. Avendo compreso ciò si raggiunga Siva.

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Morale? For you. Not for us.

La Legge è falsa! Ogni cosa è permessa a coloro che realizzano in sé la Qyiama!

(Hassan II)

Friday, February 11, 2011

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and Post repost cyclic (from April 2006 to October 20, 2010)

Notte: tenere oscurità dell'anima. 
(questa fu scritta una notte di Aprile 2006, quando conobbi una donna di nome Viviana, e dedicata alla Notte)

Quanto sei bella notte.
Madre dei Sogni, Madre degli Incubi.
Nero utero che geme imprecando, partorendo desideri ardui a contenersi.
Tu che generasti le forze più violente, ora sei qui ad allattare i miei sogni.
Macabra è la tua figura, eppur ispira lussuria e tenere effusioni.
Languid yet violent shaking my spirit wanders
my will in the darkest recesses of my soul, led by mother
I see you, you dream, and I challenge you crave.
Difficult is to tame that inspire, mother darkness, yet the action
pure action, and letting go, in crossing all limits,
to rebuild on the ruins of what you've created.
Violent emotions running through my veins,
spasmodic stir my instincts in the bones,
difficult to domarsi, Veri, Volunteer collide
in a titanic struggle, once Victoria.
what leads me away from what I love,
but even more I get closer to it,
and even more makes it understandable for my crazy mind.
What are you if not madness? What are you if not brutal Lust?

yet come down, tender, fill my limbs, as comforting sleep.
I surrender to my wishes, I am not afraid.
you would like to wrap me in dreams and forbidden
in embraces so covets. Inspire me, push me,
energizes me in the light of day I thought forgotten.
resurrected. Again, like the phoenix in the morning light,
to throw in the evening, again, in your embrace.

until they manage to seize that moment, True, when I can leave me with all my might.

Durer - Melancholy
You give me life
(this is dedicated to just come from a weapon mine, was Viviana written when I decided to forget at the end of 2006)

You, you give me life.
You, you grant me death.
You, you who are Scorpio indomitable.
When the vision is open to the pain,
the fog dissipates
and vision clears.
When everything collapses
and slag melt,
Alchemy of Decay.
Then you reveal to me the dark diamond
that nothing can touch.
Sol in Scorpio.
Sol Invictus.
XIII. You who grant us life.

And in closing, Gerard De Nerval, El Desdichado (the Codex Manesse).

I am the dark - the widower - the inconsolable
The Prince of Aquitaine from the tower abrogated
My only star is dead - and on my lute decorated with embossed stars
is the black sun of Melancholy. In the tomb
night, thou who hast consoled
Give Posillipo and the sea of \u200b\u200bItaly,
The flower that gladdened my heart so much desert
And when the vine pergola entwined with the rose.
Am I Love or Phoebus? Lusignan or Biron?
My forehead is still red from the kiss of the queen
I have dreamed in the grotto where the siren swims ...
Twice I crossed the Acheron Victorious: Alternate
modulating the lyre of Orpheus
The sighs and cries of the holy the fairy.

Until the serenity of a conclusion for the few. This was written when I picked up my poems written between 2005 and 2007, realizing that at the end of two years full of deadly and catastrophic events on each floor (economic, emotional, personal, couple, friendship), everything was simply flowed in a course of events, which brutally revealed the intimate nature of the turbulent life of the undersigned.

Joy of Being.
Joy of Becoming.
Joy of Knowing.
Joy of Fighting.
Joy mow Anime.
Ecstasy of War Alchemy
Eros. We

Joy of Being.

Among the poems themselves that this was closed, there were also:

Stop Stop.
Stop by and watched.
Your life becomes.
Your life is born and dies.
Every day, every hour, every minute.
Your life becomes.
Your soul is.
Your action leads you to be.
Stop, and win yourself.

Trul - (I)

Trul. And the gate opens.
you ahead of yourself.
you white you black

you color.

you black you white you
red. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Kill yourself and you suffer.
Vinci yourself and sacrifice.
poison yourself and purification.
cold, romantic melodramas,
advances. Taste the pain of the collapse, but do not stop

Trul - (II)

Trul, and the gate remains in your soul.
Knowing yourself involves sacrifice.
There is no battle casualties.
Continue. Stop. Dominated.
The courage to complete an action that results in pain,
is the way of purity.
Your nightmares are the acids that dissolve your waste.
Fight and die.
Trul. and the gate closes.
Tyr, and is confident in the victory.

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Virtvs Hesperia (years ago) HARMONIA

Grant, or dragon that dwells in each one,
Inspiration world of the beyond that always is, is so strong that it
to awaken the spirits to the sacred, and the
feats of what in me is more than mere body.

Yes I can remember,
in the place where it is not the time or space,
the old deeds and old people, the beautiful and warlike land
Where God and hell, heroes and men lived together imperishable.

the bottom of every spirit, they still reap emotions
Remembering the dream, even if mere, lives today,
The ancient heritage of divine descent,
Rejecting the cruel fate of abandonment and oblivion.

It tells the story of each,
And even dream of fantasies and delusions,
the seed that comes true in the depths of On the few still
Hero, waiting to be nurtured and developed. It is

saturnia history of those who still want to fight,
To win the ultimate prize of eternal rather Sofia,
Practice if mundane, immortal glory when he can,
For the right way, go beyond the walls of quest'effimera existence.
There is no illusion about who rules himself but power
descend as prey for those who leave, on himself and his own, the cruel
Imperivm of divine origin,
Supreme black force that transcends death and every life.

Sons of the Wolf and Sons of Fire, Future
bearers of endless armies,
Those who control the underworld forces of the Beast,
And those heavenly eagle, are sacred to all tribes.

Yes that no one dares to oppose or issuing orders,
Ché men should not order the immortal
To those who, Initiates,
know the mysteries of heaven and earth, darkness and light, and light over darkness, complete in all things.

They evoke the supreme force of the underworld,
ascended with this, purified and fixed, the eternal heavens,
to defy the laws of what is limited,
back to infinity before each spoke dell'Invitto Sun

(Virtus Hesperia)

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Love, so high that the truth discern,
oped the doors of diamond and black eyes
To enter my god, and to see
born, lives, eats, has eternal kingdom.
(G. Bruno)
The Sphinx protects all the Arts, J. Champagne

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are good with your ass all the others.

Although it is a god, the warrior is exposed by its very nature to sin, for its function and for the general good, he is forced to commit sins, but soon crosses this limit and sins against the ideals of all functional levels, including his own.
[... ]

The uniqueness of the warrior god may appear even more evident: Mitra, Varuna, by definition, do not sin; The Asvin do not think about sin, and only in Indra meet both the temptation and means to do evil.

How could sin Mitra, Varuna, the other Aditya? They are one with the RTA, while the moral and cosmic and ritual, which they themselves have created, which conserve and revenge. [...] The RTA is in them more than they are in the RTA. Now, sin is defined only in relation to RTA, which is violation, denial. As surprising at times displayed the modern conscience, the actions of these gods are in accordance with RTA. The violence, catches, Varuna and the ruthless punishment of all that unites him, the great Asura, the demon demonic, they are not sins.


Indra, and with him his warriors were given a very different social or cosmic mission. They can not ignore the order, since their function is to keep it against the thousands of businesses and a demonic o ostili. Ma per svolgere questo incarico devono possedere essi stessi, anzitutto, coltivare qualità che assomigliano molto ai vizi dei loro avversari.

Persino nella battaglia, se non vogliono correre verso la sconfitta sicura, devono rispondere all'audacia, alla sorpresa, ai trabocchetti, ai tradimenti, con operazioni dello stesso stile, solo più efficaci. Ebbri o esaltati, essi devono porsi in uno stato nervoso, muscolare, mentale, che moltiplichi ed accresca i loro poteri, che li trasfiguri, ma anche che li sfiguri, rendendoli unici nel gruppo che proteggono; e soprattutto, consacrati alla Forza, essi sono le vittime trionfanti della logica interna della Forza, che dimostra se stessa solo varcando limits, even their own, even its raison d'etre and it is reassures just as strong, not only before a certain opponent, in a certain situation, but strong in itself, the most powerful - dangerous for a superlative be the second rank. [...] And that is why Indra, as well Rodhe says, is "The Sinner Among the Gods".


the end is always a platoon of soldiers to save civilization


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Bhishma (who has the terrible inverato il suo Voto)

Bhishma uvaca
Namo namah Dharmaya mahate Krshnaya vedhase.

"Rendo omaggio, mi inchino al grande Dharma, Namah, onore a Krishna che emana la Legge".

Dove sei, figlio di Ganga?

"Entrano nella terra di Kurukshetra, ancora ingombra di chiome, midolli e ossa, laddove i guerrieri dalle grandi anime hanno lasciato cadere il proprio corpo. Cumuli d'ossa di elefanti, cavalli ed uomini come poggi: teschi umani erano ovunque.
Migliaia di pire funebri ammassate, armi ed armature abbandonate stipavano il luogo. Era come la taverna del Tempo, come una donna sedotta e abbandonata. Era un luogo in cui vagavano frotte di fantasmi, frequentato da orde di demoni"

In mezzo all'orrore, il Sole on Earth, the rays consist of arrows that struck him to death.

Honour to Bhishma, the Great Ancestor!.

He honors us with his blessing

Vyetu Manasa-jvarah you!

"May the fever die of your mind, your mind may the fever disappear."

"I just finished the southward movement of the sun and began to the north, he led the Self in the Self, and went into a state of harmony.

With the arrows that pierced all seemed the sun emanating its rays, surrounded by those who are the best in the knowledge of Brahman, shining in the splendor of the most high glory.

Bhishma said

pure O that can be realized only by being pure
[...] In which all the worlds and set dwell,
[...] assembles worlds
whose members are all worlds, who is the eternal
wire stretched
in which every fact and fiction in the world every
is woven as a garland.
[...] To him, I give up.
the one who gave birth to her twelve aspects destroyer of demons
fetal golden parent unit,
honor Him, the Self of the Sun (surya atman), Namah.
One who nourishes the Deva with the bright half amrta
and the Asuras in the dark, the king of the two-times-born
honor Him, the Self of the Moon (soma atman), Namah.
One who is the person than the great darkness, transcending even
shine, knowing that death is overcome,
honor Him, the Self of the knowable (Jneya atman) Namah.
[...] He who walk along the devotees in different religious paths,
desiring the fruits of the various activities according to religions,
adore and worship in all religious ritual,
honor Him, the Self of the Dharma (dharma atman), Namah. [...]
from which are embodied beings,
their limbs as a passion that has taken shape,
who is the crowd frenzy of all beings,
honor Him, the Self Passion (kama atman), Namah.
One who conflagration of burning flames, engulfing
beings at the end of thousands of eons,
honor Him, the Self of the Terrible (Ghora atman), Namah
[.. .]
One who confuses and infatuated beings with sweet ties of affection
to protect and continuity of creation,
honor Him, the Self of Ecstasy (moha atman), Namah.
Honor, namah, to you, blessed, Ishvara Conservative
Origin and reabsorber worlds,
Lord of the senses, you are the agents, the invincible dissolvitore.
Narayana is the Supreme Brahman, Narayana is the supreme
Narayana is the supreme deity
Narayana is always the Whole.

Con mente, parola, vista, vritti
penetrando il proprio Sé
nel Sé di Krishna
con il respiro trattenuto all'interno

Onore a Bhishma il Grande Avo.

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Dal Jnanasankalini Tantra

Ishvara disse - Le cinque qualità di terra (Prithvi) in base al Brahma Jnana sono ossa, carne, unghie, pelle e capelli. (20)

I conoscitori di Brahma Jnana dicono che sperma, sangue, midollo, urine e feci sono i cinque guna di acqua. (21)

I conoscitori di Brahma Jnana dicono che sonno, fame, sete, stanchezza e pigrizia sono le cinque caratteristiche del fuoco. (22)

Secondo Brahma Jnana, la detenzione, il tremare, the cast, the expansion and contraction are the five air quality. (23)

connoisseurs say that Brahma Jnana desire, anger, disappointment, shame and greed are the five qualities of space. (24) Air

from outer space, the fire is from the air, the water comes from the heat, the earth is water. (25)

Earth dissolves in water, water dissolves in the fire, the fire dissolves into air and space. (26)

Devi said - What causes karma? What are the causes of evil deeds? Who does bad things? As can be freed from evil deeds? (44) Shiva said

- La mente fa cattive azioni. La mente è macchiata da cattive azioni. La mente, essendo diventata essa stessa, non è né buona né cattiva. (45)

Devi disse - Come fa un'anima incarnata (jiva) a diventare Shiva? Qual è la causa e l'effetto? Parla con me, della tua grazia! (46)

Il Signore disse - Jiva è legata dall'illusione, Ishvara, liberata dalla illusione Sadashiva. Tu sei causa ed effetto. L'illuminazione è diversa da te. (47)

Coloro che vagano in Tamas da questo luogo sacro a quel luogo sacro, pensando che Shiva è qui, Shakti è altrove, ma la mente è altrove e il soffio vitale è da qualche altra parte ancora. (48)

Oh loved one, are not aware of the sacred place within the body. How then, can be released? (49)

The Veda is the Veda, Brahma is the eternal Vedas. Who knows the Brahma Vidya is a Brahman, skilled in the Vedas (50).

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Ricominciare dal mito.

stories that many no longer important. On the contrary.

When I decided to start Visio in the form of cultural association, I have chosen to elect its "image" and his "symbol" the myth of cultural unity as an essential form of citation Dumézil (the one found in homepage).

Maybe you should explain why. In view of the undersigned, both cultural and spiritual vision, and not only theoretical but also practical - where to practice means to live in daily values, as dynamic and constantly evolving, they are - comes through and create their own a reassessment of the myth that it is one of the founding pins classical culture (where, of course, means both for classical as Eastern and Western).

Paul Zanker, in his monograph "Living myths" published Bollati by Basic Books, treating the use of myth in Roman sarcophagi, specifies the importance of that in everyday life in imperial Rome: the myth is first model, but also - on the basis of the analysis of Griffin - help in reading about themselves and the world.

do not have to go very far to find antecedents and confirmations:

James Hillman writes in Soul:

"Basing conscience on the soul is in tune with the neo-Platonic psychology, where what we call ego-consciousness is the consciousness of the Platonic cave, a consciousness buried in the outlook less capable of self-awareness ..... consciousness ego does not deserve the slightest name of conscience. The awareness that comes from the soul derives from the images and could be described as imaginative. The images are "internal", "archaic," "primitive", as their ultimate source is in the archetypes, and we will show in the most characteristic in the formulation of the myth. "

E Gaspare Mura comments:

"It is therefore necessary first of all from the question of" mythology. " The mythology, especially Greek and Roman plays a fundamental role in the epistemological "science of the soul" di Hillman.

E qui va  fatta una  precisazione. Hillman cita sovente due opere classiche dedicate alla mitologia: quella di Freidrich Creuzer, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, citata anche da Jung, e soprattutto quella di Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher, Ausführliches Lexicon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie[31], che si caratterizza per essere una vera enciclopedia  monumentale, alla quale hanno dato il loro contributo i più celebri specialisti del mondo classico, raccogliendo scrupolosamente le fonti letterarie e iconografiche dei miti e delle credenze antiche e interpretandole nel contesto di una  ricca ricostruzione del loro ambiente culturale, storico e letterario  Hillman, soprattutto nel Saggio su Pan, fa sovente riferimento a quest’opera di Roscher; ma interpreta il Lessico come  un’indagine sulle “profondità” dell’anima, che solo i miti possono rivelare, trasformando così i miti studiati dalla filologia classica in archetipi della psiche: "Il valore della filologia,  egli scrive, non va ... giudicato soltanto per il contributo che dà all'intelletto ma anche per il contributo che dà all'immaginazione. Questo dovrebbe essere tenuto in mente quando si legge Roscher ... Spesso i moderni filologi classici vedono le esorbitanti fantasie dei loro predecessori come deficienze intellettuali. E non vedono che il contrario sta accadendo a loro stessi: poverty of imagination, the ingenuity of psychological, emotional dryness which accompanies the great intellectual enterprises reveal their imaginary shortcomings no less serious "

Pettazzoni had to write because the myth is true internal and external while Malinowski noted:

"The myth is primarily a cultural force that regenerates itself constantly, and every historical change creates its mythology, however, relates only indirectly to the historical fact, because the myth is a product of constant sociological status that needs earlier. [...] In the primitive culture the legend performs a vital function: it is the expression, development, codification of a belief, defends and reinforces the morality ensures the effectiveness of ritual and contains practical driving man. Myth is therefore a vital component of human civilization is not a trivial story, but an active force operates, it is not a rational explanation or an artistic image, but a pragmatic document of primitive faith, of moral wisdom. "

The myth may be the only engine possible to pursue a new vision. Its rediscovery, his deep investigation, its application to our lives and our cultura, così come alla nostra socialità, è l'unica via praticabile per proporre un'alternativa al sistema attuale.

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Riflessioni in una giornata qualunque.

"Nebbia e pioggia,

Il Fuji non si vede,

Oggi e' un buon giorno"

"Ancora vorrei vedere

Vagare all'alba

Il volto del dio"

(Basho, 1644-1694)

"Desolazione invernale

In un mondo d'un solo colore

Il suono del vento"


Cominciare una giornata quando la Night and 'cold. Infernetto, February 9.

The frost on the windows and the contrast with my breath. Run. Run until 'legs do not yield.

Come on. Crash. Come on. Tense and release each muscle up to the cramp.

beats. Hard hits on the shaft.
shatters his hands up to her armor.
shatters the shins until they shields.

Train your body to death,
Up to bring each cell to the extreme.

are peaceful, my legs trembling with fatigue under hot water, the fingers of the right hand does not move anymore.

Training, sfiammare la furia innata all'apice dello sforzo.

Arrivare a lavoro, cominciare la giornata coprendo tre postazioni, poi rilassarsi.

Ogni cosa oggi mi passa davanti come un film. Mi emoziono, mi identifico, mi diverto, soffro, m'infurio.

Ma sono sereno da mesi. Posso stancarmi, posso sfiancarmi, posso consumarmi. Ma il mio spirito, limpido, lo percepisco sereno.

Come uno specchio d'acqua in cui si riflette la luna,

Di fronte alla pioggia che cade, si muove cio' che mostro all'esterno,

Ma ogni cosa entra dentro di me e nulla si altera.

(Holy shit I'm at work and left arm and me 'incriccato XD)
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device from WIND

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Io e i miei gatti

"A cat can not solve a bit' all purring. " (Female McRohan)

"Rarely an animal, including man, manages to be faithful to himself as a cat." (Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson)

"What mysterious recipe for knowing how to know the cats dose so perfect sweetness and cruelty, timidity and aggressiveness, docility and wild spirit? "(Mary S. Emilson)

" The cat cat may be, but slip into the fantasy league as if it were through the night, as if it were part of the witches, gods and devils, as if he already knows what we will never know. "(Frédéric Vitoux)

"Samael and Circe always come when they must. I jump up and turn on the cast. It is this: if I had to do with them as if I were to adopt a cat in my life every time I meet a bitch, then I smile, because before I have a bright and shining future by cat lady. "(Myself) I

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the ugly habit of saying what I think, often bluntly.

Like it or not, just freaks me.

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is easy to be mediocre.

is extremely difficult not to be mediocre, because it means not being with the majority, if not alone.

front, one is alone.

I am reminded of a song.

Tough of the track,
With the Wind,
And the rain that's beating down on your back.
Your heart's beating loud And goes on getting louder

And goes on even more till the sound Is ringing in your head
With Every step you tread, And
Every Breath You Take,
Determination makes
You run,
Never stop,
Gotta win, gotta run till you drop,
Keep the pace,
Hold the race,
Your mind is getting clearer,
You're over halfway there but the miles
Just never seem to end
As if you're in a dream,
Not getting anywhere.
It seems so futile.

Run, on and on,
Run, on and on,
The loneliness of the long distance runner.

I've got to keep running the course,
I've got to keep running and win at all costs,
I've got to keep going, be strong,
Must be so determined and push myself on.

Run over stiles, across fields,
Turn to look at who's on your heels,
Way ahead of the field,
The line is getting nearer but do
You want the glory that goes,
You reach the final stretch,
Ideals are just a trace,
You feel like throwing the race,
It's all so futile.

Run, on and on,
Run, on and on,
The loneliness of the long distance runner.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Come ogni anno riportiamo all’attenzione della comunità di Ponte di Piave our observations objectively evaluating the most significant aspects of administration.


Since 2005 we have Having regard to budget estimates included in many public works:
· purchase scholasticate Fathers Giuseppini
· nursery
· ; gyms Levada and Negrisia
· ballpark
· elementary school in Ponte di Piave
· sports hall

After 5 years that Where are we?
· Scholasticate Giuseppini : it was not carried out any negotiation with the individual who purchased again in 2004 the whole of the Fathers Giuseppini. In 2011, the acquisition budget has been moved to 2012
· nursery: project shelved again in 2006 but already partially funded by the Region
· ; gym Negrisia : its construction is planned between the works of 2012
· gym Levada : è stato abbandonato l’iniziale progetto dell’amministrazione “Marin” in parte già finanziato che prevedeva una palestra per l’intera comunità di Levada ; è stata invece realizzata una palestrina a solo uso scolastico
·         Campo da baseball : rinviato al 2012

Gennaio-2011-scuole elementari
· Elementary School in Ponte di Piave : work began in 2006 with a series of errors cost the community the sum of € 591,930 (expenditure the first project that is not used, the amount paid for the work of the whole company Rivaverde questionable and non-payment of the deposit). Who have not yet completed. questionable choice because we could limit (as we argued since 2006) the only expansion of the school and G target resources where they could be buying Giuseppini created the new public library, archives, and the multipurpose room. Unfortunately since 2004 no concrete negotiations with the current owner of the scholasticate was carried out

· ; Sports Hall: The opera, whose final draft was approved in 2008, will be carried out in the lease and the total cost will be € 4.5 million . Since 2008, we challenged the administration's choice to build the structure in the current area of \u200b\u200bsports as it involves an additional expenditure of around € 700,000 just to move the current multi-purpose , tennis courts, baseball field. The structure could instead be made to another area, partially owned by the city avoiding the costs of moving and rebuilding of existing structures.

We have always asked the Administration to consult on matters of citizenship directly from the cost so high and of common interest such as the expansion of primary schooling and the construction of the sports hall, unfortunately without never any feedback!!

E 'duty of every administrator to operate wisely and honestly, considering carefully any investment and avoiding any unnecessary expenditure, especially in these times of economic crisis and uncertain future, as does a good father, especially in difficult moments, like today's, which sees our town hit by cuts imposed by the State . This
with the current administration, has not happened so we will pay the consequences. The first is the sale of Villa Loschi adjacent to the nursing home, the most valuable asset of the municipal assets, with the sole purpose of returning to the Stability Pact. Thanks to the timely intervention of the Directors of the opposition operation was postponed, but we encourage all to fight to be abandoned. When will the next

ENVIRONMENT: protection and prevention
· are crucial a specific study that shows on time limits in a technically thorough security of the hydraulic system in Ponte di Piave and to suggest the best solutions.
· There is no concrete plan supported by adequate technical knowledge in order to include the incalculable costs of special events and feared possible aggravated by years of mismanagement of the River.

sewer Fuser: improvised operations of "transfer" of water that can damage the defense works
· ; worrying improvisation with which the emergency has been addressed di novembre e dicembre 2010; i costosi interventi con pompe non hanno contribuito a contenere l’allagamento di via Fontane, anzi hanno favorito la fuoriuscita dell’acqua di falda ivi alquanto superficiale. Da non trascurare poi il disagio causato dal blocco della viabilità  ai frontisti di via Argine (che invece, proprio in queste situazioni problematiche, dovrebbe essere garantito per le necessarie operazioni di sgombero).

·         Alla luce degli eventi  si è dimostrato invece come in via Risorgimento l’impianto idrovoro, progettato and implemented during the administration of Marin, has solved the old problems that have long plagued the area. Even as a fountain of the serious problems which have emerged should be resolved by similar facilities.
  • It highlights the carelessness with which it left the embankment of the river, weakened by improper cutting grass on the banks of frequent fires, often used for cross motorcycles, exposes the country to more serious risk of flooding in the event of major floods.
  • The City should strongly request the intervention of the organs of jurisdiction, as the Reclamation Consortium Left Piave, Civil Engineers and prepared to secure and manage the waste water from areas outside the riverside and defense structures.
We continue to rain but with contributions and allocate resources to costly and unnecessary interventions such as the navigability of the Piave and little attachments, forgetting the real problems of our river.


really concerned about the impoverishment of the public parks along the avenues and green areas of common cause in questi anni dal taglio sistematico di alberature in pieno vigore vegetativo, e mai rimpiazzate.

A Negrisia è stato azzerato il patrimonio alberato lungo i viali delle strade pubbliche comunali.
Oggi, come biglietto da visita al suo ingresso  uno stradone  dove le preziose alberature sono sostituite dai sostegni metallici  della segnaletica stradale. Giudichiamo questi interventi immotivati.

  • RING ROAD CITY CENTRE, WHERE DO WE? Still nothing done to make this work essential for the safety and livability of our country. In six years we have seen the Mayor to rail against the regional, provincial, Civil Engineers, calling the rescue even Unindustria. The only result is the promise of construction of a mini roundabout to the current traffic lights at the station Carabinieri . At this point requires involvement of all political forces to ensure that the planned construction of the bypass to be addressed and taken forward in a serious and constructive.

  • AGRICULTURE : no action in support of Agriculture
  • INDUSTRY, CRAFTS AND COMMERCE: the current area industry will be partially urbanized by about 40,000 square meters. All the remaining area will return to agricultural thus blocking any possibility of future development and possible new activities for the return of the companies still scattered in a single homogeneous area. A soon to be adopted to confirm this choice of the PAT .

The cuts imposed by the State did not spare this sensitive area. Today more than ever people need to have close its Directors in caso di bisogno. Il nostro Comune, grazie anche alla preziosa collaborazione del gruppo di volontariato “Insieme” riesce a mantenere i servizi essenziali.
Invitiamo però l’Amministrazione a destinare maggiori risorse per aiutare le persone  in difficoltà per la perdita del posto di lavoro, sacrificando magari qualche “manifestazione culturale” non proprio indispensabile.              

addition to the successful installation of several cameras in the center we hope will be also installed at critical points of the fractions.
E 'was finally accepted our invitation to raise awareness on the issue of security by disseminating useful guide.
the Administration must continue to engage in a participatory manner the entire community to foster a culture of legality is essential for the safety and livability of our country.