Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's The Price Of Hydrogen

Return to base. With something different.

hana wa Sakuragi, hito wa bushi : "among the cherry blossoms, among men the warrior"

I asked about Sweetness of nature. And I answered: Harmony. When there is that there can be no arrogance can only be understanding.
And I wondered about the nature of the ego: and once again, appeared to me a goddess to remember that it is sublimated with all the brutality necessary.

For what? Why united warrior and yogis, then starts to spin the wheel. Then, the cakravartin.

Until the end of the world. Up into Hell. Until the crown won by the sword.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ma Driving Penalty Points



Councillor critical of the opposition of the majority

April 1, 2010
seems finally reached its final negotiations for the transfer of the baseball field to Negrisia, after years of waiting. The good news of the creation of a sports facility to the traditions of the sport ...

June 26, 2010
... in forty semi-annual installments with effect "probably" from 2013, plus the right to surface area has already been granted free by the municipality and the cost of transferring the field Baseball and the existing marquee. ...

29 June 2008
Only at the end of the term was added to the design of sports hall with moving the baseball field in the yet to be determined. The new library and expansion of primary schools in the capital not ...

January 12, 2009
contiguous area, now a baseball field for the has already been approved for construction of sports hall (in the center of town!) . Gli alberi di Via De Gasperi sono stati tagliati trasformando il precedente viale in una ...

12 Gen 2009
Nell'area contigua, ora adibita a campo per il  baseball , è già stata approvata la costruzione del palazzetto dello sport (in pieno centro urbano!). Gli alberi di Via De Gasperi sono stati tagliati trasformando il precedente viale in una ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arnica Oil Shampoo Hair


Per Domenica 13 Marzo giorno della "Fera ed Sant'Alban"ci sono stati alcuni cambiamenti importanti causa le cattive previsioni metereologiche .
Per quanto riguarda il mercato e l'esposizione delle macchine agricole, il servizio è garantito, la Pro Loco garantisce la chiusura strade, l'esposizione degli animali è stata annullata.
Le premiazioni al Merito Civico will be held regularly at the middle school GBTassone.
The NEWS 'More importantly, from 9:00 am at the St. Alban Bowling will be held a fair area reserved for all groups volotariato of St. Alban, from the band will play 15 hours of music is guaranteed Morozzo Parsley with the presence of "Desmure and na'vota" and at the same time it will be distributed by the group Zabaglione Alpine St. Albans. Therefore the planned lunch at the St. Alban Bowling has been canceled, but for those who want to reserved or booked, service is guaranteed at the restaurant La Meridiana.
For further information you can call on at No. 3383868477
Thank you and we apologize for the inconvenience.!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where To Get A Brazilian Wax Brampton

A thick and expensive tablet

Gazzettino  Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Blizzard on the new building: "Opera 4.5 million '

will soon be dismantled all existing structures: multi-purpose baseball field, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, -suite and without neppure aver previsto concretamente  il loro ricollocamento.

Senza trucchi e senza inganni, i costi enormi della  dissennata  operazione  ( almeno 6.000.000 di euro!! )  li pagheranno i Cittadini di Ponte di Piave?  alla faccia del tanto piagnucolare sul patto di stabilità!!   

Wednesday, March 9, 2011,
Ponte di Piave (g) The controversy over the new Palace of sport that must be built. The junta has allocated € 70 thousand in fact the first required to begin the dismantling of existing facilities in the area where the structure will be built. Silvana Boer, the opposition group Ponte 2000, harshly critical of the choice: "The cost of the building will be approximately € 4.5 million which will be added at least another 1.5 million for the reconstruction of the decommissioned plants ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

In the previous PRG Bridge 2000 for the construction of a multipurpose facility in an area along Viale Europa already partly owned by the city. He avoided the expected traffic congestion in urban areas during sports activities, safeguarding the precious green area within the city limits.