Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arnica Oil Shampoo Hair


Per Domenica 13 Marzo giorno della "Fera ed Sant'Alban"ci sono stati alcuni cambiamenti importanti causa le cattive previsioni metereologiche .
Per quanto riguarda il mercato e l'esposizione delle macchine agricole, il servizio è garantito, la Pro Loco garantisce la chiusura strade, l'esposizione degli animali è stata annullata.
Le premiazioni al Merito Civico will be held regularly at the middle school GBTassone.
The NEWS 'More importantly, from 9:00 am at the St. Alban Bowling will be held a fair area reserved for all groups volotariato of St. Alban, from the band will play 15 hours of music is guaranteed Morozzo Parsley with the presence of "Desmure and na'vota" and at the same time it will be distributed by the group Zabaglione Alpine St. Albans. Therefore the planned lunch at the St. Alban Bowling has been canceled, but for those who want to reserved or booked, service is guaranteed at the restaurant La Meridiana.
For further information you can call on at No. 3383868477
Thank you and we apologize for the inconvenience.!


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