Saturday, December 25, 2010

Do You Need A Lisence To Cut Hair

PIAVE 23-24 December 2010

's the second flood event in 2010 caused mainly by the sirocco, which has lifted the heavy snow falls over the catchment area of Piave River in the days before.
The phenomenon has affected our wetlands by flooding that extended until the nail embankment.
The attempt to limit the possible flooding of street fountains laid bare once again the substantial inadequacy of lifting equipment used that do not face a major contribution of the ditch CRE, did not prevent but rather supported the ongoing and relentless emerges particularly shallow ground water there.
Waters raised by scooping and "shot" against the article and the moving parts of the sewer.
Again creates confusion and perplexing the methodology used to pour the waters raised, at the body sewer. The artifact which is of crucial importance must not be subjected to actions like this can compromise the functionality.

1) dangerous undermining of the shore embankment
2) weakening the base of the gutter. There is hope that these damages are repaired as soon as possible?
operations show improvisation with which he continues to deal with emergencies, fortunately to date of limited magnitude.
Doing so should not be the responsibility of the Consortium of Reclamation SX Piave to which citizens are charged an annual fee (even the rain that falls on the roofs of their houses) ?
Supervision of operations should not compete in Civil Engineering?
The impression is that these structures are long-lost safeguard the operational capability and support to our communities is essential in the face of critical events which are increasingly affecting the territory.

The consequences of previous interventions handling soil
authorized SIC Area during the final Negrisia

raging currents an active branch in case of flood ; through a vineyard
recently planted

An inappropriate level of a hill near the area in Negrisia SIC
The last full has laid bare the roots for a long stretch of shore
weakening the riparian forest, and addressing the current dangerously.

A strand active under conditions of full took a dangerous direction towards the riverside not far defenses.
the silt carried by the current flow into the re Negrisia
The area, a few hundred meters from the bridge, was recently the subject of massive movements of land and deforestation always in 'area at the mouth of the SIC Negrisia.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can You Buy Emperor Scorpion In Australia

Living Nativity at St. Alban Ceriolo

Si tratta della XI edizione del Presepe Vivente, che a Ceriolo, grazie
all'esperienza acquisita nell'organizzazione e nel suo allestimento, richiama
ogni anno un significativo numero di visitatori da diverse zone della Provincia
La Rappresentazione avrà luogo il 23 dicembre (come ormai da tradizione), e
verrà riproposta come lo scorso anno la sera di S.Stefano, ossia domenica 26
dicembre. Tutto questo grazie, come sempre, al grande impegno e alla buona
volontà degli abitanti e degli amici di Ceriolo, della Pro Loco di Sant'Albano
Stura, nonchè al fondamentale sostegno del Comune di Sant'Albano Stura e
dell'istituto bancario Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano S.p.A.

La Sacra Rappresentazione della Natività di Gesù è immersa in una splendida
cornice di tempi lontani: gli antichi mestieri, i sapori e i profumi delle
tradizioni passate, i costumi tradizionali delle comparse e dei mestieranti, le
soffici note degli zampognari, i recinti con gli animali... Il tutto ambientato
nella vecchia borgata rurale di Ceriolo, con un'atmosfera resa quasi surreale
the almost complete absence of artificial lighting (candles only,
lanterns, torches and large braziers along the pathways).

The proportions of this Nativity is considerable: about 60 trades
deployed in the streets of the village, in huts built with wood and straw, or
the old cellars, stalls, shops, and about 300 listed
involved in representation, and some "points dining "where you can taste typical products
freshly prepared in the oven or on fire (mulled wine, tea, hot chocolate
, polenta, bread, ...).

Other Important Information: Free admission; event starts at 20.30, followed on Thursday, 23
23.30 Santa Messa con gruppo corale di Ceriolo;
servizio bus-navetta dai parcheggi; l'evento avrà luogo con qualsiasi
condizione meteo; foto ed info disponibili sul sito web:
locandina e depliant dell'evento in allegato.