Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Make A Foam Fold Out Chair

Bhishma (who has the terrible inverato il suo Voto)

Bhishma uvaca
Namo namah Dharmaya mahate Krshnaya vedhase.

"Rendo omaggio, mi inchino al grande Dharma, Namah, onore a Krishna che emana la Legge".

Dove sei, figlio di Ganga?

"Entrano nella terra di Kurukshetra, ancora ingombra di chiome, midolli e ossa, laddove i guerrieri dalle grandi anime hanno lasciato cadere il proprio corpo. Cumuli d'ossa di elefanti, cavalli ed uomini come poggi: teschi umani erano ovunque.
Migliaia di pire funebri ammassate, armi ed armature abbandonate stipavano il luogo. Era come la taverna del Tempo, come una donna sedotta e abbandonata. Era un luogo in cui vagavano frotte di fantasmi, frequentato da orde di demoni"

In mezzo all'orrore, il Sole on Earth, the rays consist of arrows that struck him to death.

Honour to Bhishma, the Great Ancestor!.

He honors us with his blessing

Vyetu Manasa-jvarah you!

"May the fever die of your mind, your mind may the fever disappear."

"I just finished the southward movement of the sun and began to the north, he led the Self in the Self, and went into a state of harmony.

With the arrows that pierced all seemed the sun emanating its rays, surrounded by those who are the best in the knowledge of Brahman, shining in the splendor of the most high glory.

Bhishma said

pure O that can be realized only by being pure
[...] In which all the worlds and set dwell,
[...] assembles worlds
whose members are all worlds, who is the eternal
wire stretched
in which every fact and fiction in the world every
is woven as a garland.
[...] To him, I give up.
the one who gave birth to her twelve aspects destroyer of demons
fetal golden parent unit,
honor Him, the Self of the Sun (surya atman), Namah.
One who nourishes the Deva with the bright half amrta
and the Asuras in the dark, the king of the two-times-born
honor Him, the Self of the Moon (soma atman), Namah.
One who is the person than the great darkness, transcending even
shine, knowing that death is overcome,
honor Him, the Self of the knowable (Jneya atman) Namah.
[...] He who walk along the devotees in different religious paths,
desiring the fruits of the various activities according to religions,
adore and worship in all religious ritual,
honor Him, the Self of the Dharma (dharma atman), Namah. [...]
from which are embodied beings,
their limbs as a passion that has taken shape,
who is the crowd frenzy of all beings,
honor Him, the Self Passion (kama atman), Namah.
One who conflagration of burning flames, engulfing
beings at the end of thousands of eons,
honor Him, the Self of the Terrible (Ghora atman), Namah
[.. .]
One who confuses and infatuated beings with sweet ties of affection
to protect and continuity of creation,
honor Him, the Self of Ecstasy (moha atman), Namah.
Honor, namah, to you, blessed, Ishvara Conservative
Origin and reabsorber worlds,
Lord of the senses, you are the agents, the invincible dissolvitore.
Narayana is the Supreme Brahman, Narayana is the supreme
Narayana is the supreme deity
Narayana is always the Whole.

Con mente, parola, vista, vritti
penetrando il proprio Sé
nel Sé di Krishna
con il respiro trattenuto all'interno

Onore a Bhishma il Grande Avo.


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