Friday, February 11, 2011

Disney World Cinch Sack

are good with your ass all the others.

Although it is a god, the warrior is exposed by its very nature to sin, for its function and for the general good, he is forced to commit sins, but soon crosses this limit and sins against the ideals of all functional levels, including his own.
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The uniqueness of the warrior god may appear even more evident: Mitra, Varuna, by definition, do not sin; The Asvin do not think about sin, and only in Indra meet both the temptation and means to do evil.

How could sin Mitra, Varuna, the other Aditya? They are one with the RTA, while the moral and cosmic and ritual, which they themselves have created, which conserve and revenge. [...] The RTA is in them more than they are in the RTA. Now, sin is defined only in relation to RTA, which is violation, denial. As surprising at times displayed the modern conscience, the actions of these gods are in accordance with RTA. The violence, catches, Varuna and the ruthless punishment of all that unites him, the great Asura, the demon demonic, they are not sins.


Indra, and with him his warriors were given a very different social or cosmic mission. They can not ignore the order, since their function is to keep it against the thousands of businesses and a demonic o ostili. Ma per svolgere questo incarico devono possedere essi stessi, anzitutto, coltivare qualità che assomigliano molto ai vizi dei loro avversari.

Persino nella battaglia, se non vogliono correre verso la sconfitta sicura, devono rispondere all'audacia, alla sorpresa, ai trabocchetti, ai tradimenti, con operazioni dello stesso stile, solo più efficaci. Ebbri o esaltati, essi devono porsi in uno stato nervoso, muscolare, mentale, che moltiplichi ed accresca i loro poteri, che li trasfiguri, ma anche che li sfiguri, rendendoli unici nel gruppo che proteggono; e soprattutto, consacrati alla Forza, essi sono le vittime trionfanti della logica interna della Forza, che dimostra se stessa solo varcando limits, even their own, even its raison d'etre and it is reassures just as strong, not only before a certain opponent, in a certain situation, but strong in itself, the most powerful - dangerous for a superlative be the second rank. [...] And that is why Indra, as well Rodhe says, is "The Sinner Among the Gods".


the end is always a platoon of soldiers to save civilization



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