Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Make A Balloon Canopy



1918 - Great War --- against the backdrop of the Villa Losch

when not long ago Bridge 2000 requested that because of the debt relating to the expenditure incurred for the retirement home of 7,000,000 €, c obstruction of the sports hall € 4,000,000 , the new library, local archives, the conference room and extension of primary school € 2,500,000, equal to the entire annual tax revenue, the expenses were incurred for current and any unforeseen emergencies occurring and, behold, today the answer: These actions were in fact true boomerang for scarce financial resources.
The City of fact is compelled to dispose of an asset, "the family jewel" in order to continue on questionable decisions taken at the time, and without taking into account the period of economic difficulty that accompanies .
E 'first duty to remember and underline are behavior dell’Istituto Cottolengo di Torino che nel 2001, con la cessione di un bene ottenuto gratuitamente da benefattori di Ponte di Piave, ha saputo coniugare la legittima difesa dei propri interessi economici, con i principi e le finalità etiche che ne hanno ispirato l’impiego. Il trasferimento del complesso da parte dell’Istituto torinese Cottolengo, avvenuto nel 2001 durante l’amministrazione del compianto Sindaco Marin, ha ottenuto il consenso e la riconoscenza dell’intera Comunità locale, in contrasto oggi con la palese diversità di comportamento dell’attuale Amministrazione Comunale che, con la scelta di vendere e di monetizzarne una parte, a nostro avviso viene meno al patto.
With a rising cost of over € 7 million, rather than the two originally planned, without ever having required no contribution from this region, was given after five years of unnecessary and burdensome expectation, the current operator for a period of thirty years against the ten hypothesized. This heavy mortgage is affecting the various initiatives of this and future administrations of six.
Loschi Villa, built over a century ago, damaged during the First World War, rebuilt in the second decade of the 900 and kept decently today, enters into the true history of our community, witnessed the vicissitudes of a century very eventful as the last one. The current administration in the cu has been entrusted, had to take the absolute commitment to defend and not free, no obvious constraints at the earliest opportunity, as hard cash, used to pay for the errors due to their choices. Why is what you need today: an amount to balance the municipal budget and continue to cry instrumentally on hold due to the Stability Pact to the municipal coffers.
While the Mayor has long protested the lack of funds to meet the current administration of the municipality, for too many years in our country lacks a workable plan expenditure and choices Is the case of large works, set without the prior consent of the citizens and decision- ssunte from above without any public consultation. Today, citizens of Ponte di Piave begin to see and feel the consequences and will not be time to shift the blame to others .



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