Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Customize Fishing Boat

A Pro Loco of eleven Presidents!

Sunday, September 5, concluding the patron saint festivities of San Liberato. I can be happy with the work, thanks to a group Pro Loco worthy of its name, composed not only of a president, but by eleven presidents, because the secret of this group is sincerity and desire to do good to Sant'Albano , that desire that we managed to convey to other people who have added up to us, giving us a hand during the festivities. Thank
Deejmax who has filled the evening with his music and his voice, thanks goes to David Oreglia, his restaurant experience has enabled us to make a Happy Hour that will remain engraved in the minds of young and old, to long time. Thanks to Daniele Fassi, his Barman was freed from passion in making four "Lime" to achieve Moijto that characterized the evening. A thank you goes to the City for its logistics and economic availability, the associations of St. Alban ACLI, Ars, Alpine, Crafts and Grandparents Brigade.
thanks go to the sponsors of the evenings in particular and the CCB Casalgrasso Sant'Albano, the CRF Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano, the Smith family for the reception offered to the "en Santalban bike," Ellena at the Bar, Bar 46 and Ansel Pubs at Cimo plants Massimo Ravera and all the local businesses and shops of St Alban, who through their contributions have made possible the various prizes that were distributed during the festivities. Finally I would like to thank all of you who have strongly supported this santalbanesi Pro Loco in every night and my family for having patience during my absence forced the festivities.
I just have to renew the appointment for the next San Liberato 2011, hoping that the time be with us as this year. Thanks!

Capellino Gian Luca


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