Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh License Plate Renewal

Dr. John Marin

tenacious, outspoken, fighting but also reliable: able to be present when needed, as only a true friend can do.

Intelligent and sharp you have been fond of the "good" politics, unfortunately now almost extinct in 90 years have established the list Civic Bridge 2000 with 9 years who have ruled with justice by the prudent manager public affairs, without political influence, accounting for your work only to your citizens.

tireless teacher, you managed to convey enthusiasm for the policy that puts people first, showing particular sensitivity toward the elderly, children and disadvantaged people, a choice that you did well in the workplace.

You were always on top on environmental issues that are related to our welfare and public health.

You have taught us to be optimistic, combative but always honest and correct ready to defend ideals such as justice and fairness.

We are close to the family with whom we share the grief over the death of a great person to whom we will continue to inspire us.


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