Saturday, June 26, 2010

Letter To Invite A Celebrity To An Event

€ 5,550,000

I "Furbetta TOWN HALL"

The stability pact, approved by the government's economic measures, raises, of course, a roof impassable for ordinary expenses. Are indiscriminately affected all local authorities virtuous or not.

The municipalities have been imposed unfairly limit the choice of the implementation of public works, improve service, pay creditors while having the financial resources available, or bravely defy the constraints of the agreement to implement measures deemed necessary and warranted by the necessary financial coverage .

The City of Ponte di Piave, unique in the province, has chosen the unusual and difficult third way to circumvent the rigors of the law came up with two great public works of the total cost of € 5,550,000.

For the design of multi-purpose complex adjacent to the school has tried to circumvent the national and European procurement legislation. Discovery and censored by the competent supervisory authority has sparked a dispute pending. The results are visible after 4 years from the locked state of the yard for a year and without certain predictions for the future. The damage incurred to date amount to approximately € 700,000 well as costs for the dumb already turned twenty in 2008.

For the implementation of the Sports Hall was chosen the way of a lease with a private party, always to escape the rigors of the pact, although more expensive and of dubious legality. The lease was signed on 24.3.2010 and provides a total expenditure of 4.460.000 € da pagare in quaranta rate semestrali, a datare “probabilmente” dal 2013, oltre al diritto di superficie dell’area già concessa gratuitamente dal Comune e le spese di trasferimento del campo di Baseball e della tensostruttura esistente. Non risultano evidenziate le date di inizio e fine lavori.

Ci auguriamo che queste scelte improvvide non aggravino la carenza di risorse per le spese correnti continuamente lamentate dal Sindaco.



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