Sul “federalismo fluviale”
Il trasferimento agli Enti Locali dei beni demaniali, ivi compresi i fiumi, ha acceso l’entusiasmo delle Provincie di Treviso, Belluno, Venezia e della Regione Veneto per l’opportunità di sfruttare le “risorse” del Piave a fini turistici in aggiunta alla consistente eredità degli introiti derivanti dalle varie concessioni in atto ai grandi Enti pubblici e privati cittadini.
La dimensione economica dell’affare induce ad una attenta valutazione degli aspetti positivi ma anche dei rischi dell’operazione. Preso favorevolmente atto del radicale cambio di rotta del Governatore sul massiccio asporto di inerti sostenuto qualche anno fa, vanno considerati di fondamentale importanza l’unificazione and the transfer of decision-making in relation to a single management body with the opportunity to make the big choices in a planning and coordinating, assessing priorities and compatibility in the use of available resources. But, also, the persistence of certain fundamental problems unresolved historically, that only now, after years of silence, seem to emerge in public debate and which must necessarily confront the new managers of the River.
The first obstacle is still ruling and the lack of comprehensive planning of the basin, surrogate far from certain projects, "excerpt" often at odds with each other and the coexistence of a number of competing standards array of heterogeneous community, national, regional, inter-, which led to the inevitable complete absence of any serious and effective action.
Plan excerpt for flood safety, approved after 44 years of the historic flood of 66, it contains a number of works from the unbearable cost for the regional budget, in addition to the existing difficulty of finding the resources necessary to perform routine and urgent maintenance.
who will also support the incalculable costs arising from extraordinary events and feared possible aggravated by years of mismanagement of the river?
The second problem concerns the diversity of "users of water resources" known to be insufficient to meet the contemporary needs of institutions, electric and consortia, to quarry aggregates and related rich forests, a diversified farming operators first winemakers, the defenders of natural sites, all in perpetual conflict for obvious differences in goals. In addition to the arduous and uneven confrontation with the powerful economic and lobbies that govern these activities will not be easy, especially during the transition, the political management of a complex situation and radically consolidated, for the reverberations guessed feared electoral support. Will not constitute a valid instrument of mediation between the parties, the rigid Community rules on respect and protection of sites of ecological importance. In this difficult setting is anachronistic anticipation of the launch of a tourism Spartans enthusiastically from the start, but with declared ambitions to develop elite.
The initiative, to promote consensus certainly suggestive of the Venetians that love by choice or by necessity a naive approach to bathing, it is not easy to implement.
For years the banks of the river are popular in a haphazard and uncontrolled by a varied presence of guests, from quiet family holiday Sunday, at least moderately involved in the frequent "rave" clubs, to the scholars of various "transgressions" are unfortunately out of fashion. Tracing the attendance
play and respect for the environment within the limits of civilization is a choice to enjoy and share, but in this case is the problem of affordability, and content acceptable in terms of logistics, much more problematic for the necessary continuity of control and surveillance even at night.
not last but formidable obstacles to the possible flooding of the river, though not exceptional, sweeping inexorably equipment and, finally, provisions, safety regulations, recently approved, which categorically prohibit any construction also precarious nature of the water meadow.
river routes of federalism, at least for the Piave, seem even more optimistic and paved with good intentions of well-founded hopes for an albeit gradual but real start of the Resurrection River.
Gianni Marin